It’s been a busy summer and now it’s going to be a very busy fall.
I’m finally finished with my latest art commission. I even learned how to create my own floating frame, and let me tell you, you wouldn’t think that it would actually be that hard. I mean, it’s just a few pieces of wood connected around a canvas, right?
Well, let me tell you, the process of creating a high-quality frame that fits together properly, and fits perfectly around the edges of a canvas is nothing that you should take for granted. I have some tools because, well, I am a man and a homeowner. But, I’ve learned that I don’t really have the right tools or an adequate amount of space to do it properly.
I’m happy with what I created, but it definitely has it’s flaws for sure. It was a great learning experience and I probably won’t try to do it at this level again. When I attempt creating frames in the future they will definitely be much more “rustic” for sure. But, hey, it’s a custom-made frame by the artist. Flaws are part of the charm, right? Maybe rustic is what my art needs.

What else am I working on?
Anyway, this is about updating you around what I’m doing now, so let me tell you that, now that I’m done with my big project and the fun of summer is coming to an end, I’m going to be on the road for about half of October. It’s all fun stuff as I’ll be traveling with my wife for an anniversary trip and then I’ll be driving to Florida with my oldest son for a father-and-son road trip. Needless to say, I’m not sure how much art I’m going to be creating this month but I’m going to be doing my best.
I have a lot of video from my recent art project and I’ll be working to create a video on that very soon. Follow me on my YouTub channel or subscribe for updates on new content!

Me and Brendan. Keep an eye on my other YouTube channel for a video documenting the trip!

North Canton Ohio to Fort Myers Florida